Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Tuesday with Dorie

This week Lyb of And then I do the dishes- chose Chocolate Armagnac Cake - The Cake That Got Me Fired.

I will be a little late, this week was just not conductive to cooking. I got my eyes dilated yesterday and well they stayed that way until bed time, 4-6 hours my foot. Today I had my first meeting with an oral surgeon. It turns out that I will need both upper, Le Fort I Osteotomy and lower, Mandibular Sagittal Split Osteotomy jaw surgery. I will meet with 2 more surgeons later this month.

My lower jaw is to short, I have been unhinging my jaw to talk, eat, yawn and many other things. I knew that my lower jaw would need to be moved forward but the fact that my top teeth do not touch in the right places was a surprise. I can get one to touch right but the other does not touch at all and vice a versa.

The part that will be tha most fun is that for six weeks after the surgery I will have to change my diet. To start for the first few weeks I will be on a liquid diet, then a very soft food diet working my way up to cruncy foods. I am sure that at the end of that I will really want some nachos. The good thing is that this will not be happening for a few months to a year.

As a bright and shiny distraction I have the quilt I finshed last month for my neice's birthday.