Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Well I had the surgery yesterday and it went well. They took me back and had my lie on the table and look at the lights, then I was out. I woke up groggy and sleepy in recovery 2 hours later. I woke up more fully around on hour later and left 30 min after that. So I got to the surgery center at 12 pm and left at 5:30 ish.

I come home and slept off and on for a few hours. I would sleep and then go down stars to watch some TV and then sleep some more. Today I have been drinking water and going to the bathroom much of the day. With brief naps interspersed.

I am hoping to be better enough to go to knitting night on Thus. I am one some pain meds so I am still a little loopy. I am small now. It is a little different when I look at myself. I now need to get new bra's and shirts. They took 3 lbs, 1360 grams from the left side and 2lbs, 907 grams from the right, so now I am under 160 lbs. This would not be a weight loss plan of choice.

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